Putting off chiropractic care not only postpones relief from pain, it can lead to more debilitating problems. Chiropractic care in Fort Worth can be an instrumental part of your rehabilitation from injury or a valuable addition to your wellness care routine.
Chiropractic physicians in Fort Worth can treat a wide range of spinal and joint problems, sometimes in as few as one treatment. At Texas Injury Clinic in Fort Worth, TX, our skilled chiropractors will carefully examine and diagnose the cause of your problems before recommending treatments. Texas Injury Clinic opened in 1999 to provide care and relief for debilitating conditions such as osteoporosis, chronic headaches, bulging disc, and neck and back pain. If you are ready to enjoy the life-changing benefits of chiropractic care, contact our office today.
Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) are more commonly known as chiropractors. The healthcare professionals undergo rigorous medical training, much like their MD colleagues, and are subject to regulation by state licensing boards. Chiropractors undergo four-year doctoral programs that are accredited through the U.S. Department of Education. Upon graduation, they must pass national board exams before they are given a license to practice. That license must be maintained through annual continuing education credits.
Chiropractors practice a drug-free approach to healthcare that emphasizes using advanced diagnostic techniques and evidence-based treatments. DCs are trained to maintain a broad range of skills that include a deep understanding of therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises that emphasize healthy dietary and lifestyle choices.

Chiropractic care emphasizes the use of drug-free, non-invasive procedures. While no treatment can be completely free from the risk of adverse side effects, chiropractic treatments have a long and positive safety record.
One of the most effective treatments we offer at Texas Injury Clinic involves spinal manipulation. The hands-on procedure restores back joint mobility by manually applying force to specific parts of the vertebrae with the aim of restoring mobility. The joints of the back often become stiff as the result of age, lack of exercise, poor posture, or injury. Once mobility is restored, pain is often immediately alleviated. Other benefits of spinal manipulation include the reduction of inflammation, restored back function, muscle relaxation, and tissue healing.
Spinal manipulation is a non-invasive procedure that restores function while alleviating pain. Risks associated with this procedure are minimal to none. Some patients report mild soreness, similar to how they might feel after a yoga session or a similar workout. These mild symptoms typically fade within 24 hours.
Many of our patients find immediate relief from chiropractic services. Our goal is to provide you with long-term relief without the need for surgery or prescription pain medications. To schedule your first visit or follow-up visit at our Fort Worth clinic, send us a message or call (817) 624-7222.

Major medical plans, Medicare, Blue Cross Blue Shield plans for some government workers, and workers’ compensation plans cover chiropractic care. Active-duty members of the armed forces at military bases and major veteran medical facilities also cover chiropractic care. If you have questions regarding health insurance coverage, our Fort Worth-based staff will gladly contact your health insurance provider to determine what your policy covers. In general, chiropractic treatments are far more affordable than more invasive procedures and surgeries.