If you are like many Americans, you are currently experiencing back pain. This pain can be in your lower, middle or upper back. An estimated 32 million Americans are suffering from back pain at this moment and about 80% will experience it at some point in their life. Statistics such as these explain why the United States' number one cause of disability today is back pain. This brings up many questions about back pain causes, prevention, and treatment. The goal of chiropractor in Fort Worth is to use this article to answer your questions and help alleviate back pain.
The causes of back pain are virtually endless. The complex system of the back and spine require it to be both rigid, to support the body, as well as fluid to allow movement. This system is made up of many parts; ligaments, tendons, discs muscles and bones are the main components which can be damaged and cause pain. While small irritations and stresses can create back pain, it can be a result of major traumas, such as auto accidents. Because of this, it is often hard to pinpoint the exact cause of the pain.
Besides physical causes, conditions such as arthritis, obesity, urinary tract infections, and kidney stones can produce signs of lower back pain. With all of the possibilities in mind, it is important to find a doctor who is well versed in the area of pain management as well as all aspects of health, in order to correctly narrow down and find the root of the pain. Luckily, the staff at Texas Injury Clinic are exactly these people. They have many years of experience and education with back pain and can accurately diagnose the problem. If this diagnosis is lacking, the smallest irritation can become overwhelming pain.

In many cases, a bulging or herniated disc is the most painful cause of back pain. It is also one of the most common ones. However, it should be noted that these conditions don’t always result in pain. Research has shown, through MRI use, that up to 37% of the American population has some severity of a disc bulge or herniation, many of which experience no pain. Nonetheless, the people who do experience pain from these conditions explain it to be intense and severe.
The position and type of herniation affect the type of pain felt. When the disc is misaligned, swollen, or irritated, it is possible for it to pinch a nerve, causing sharp pain and possible numbness, tingling and weakness to the legs. Pain from this is often described as shooting and stabbing. To understand herniated discs, it helps to picture them as jelly filled doughnuts. When the outer layer of the doughnut (discs) experiences wear and tear, they are likely to rupture and tear over time. As a result of this, the jelly can ooze out. Reversing this damage can be extremely difficult. However, chiropractic manipulation and care has resulted in the prevention of advancement in the herniation and relieve some or all of the pain.
While disc herniations are the most common cause of back pain, subluxations are the most overlooked. A subluxation is the medical term that describes a vertebrae in the spine that is out of place. Resulting from subluxations, normal, fluid movement is impaired and a multitude of other conditions, including pain, can prevail. Subluxations can be caused by almost anything and be almost anywhere on your spinal column.
Subluxations can be an outcome of many events such as stress, physical trauma, and toxins. In the same way that stress partially leads to ulcers in the gut, physiological bodily changes also may occur for the same reasons, displacing a vertebrae. As with most injuries, timing is vital and the chiropractors at Texas Injury Clinic are experienced in locating and fixing the subluxation quickly and effectively.
Constant stresses create a vastly different physiological profile for a person than those who do not encounter these stresses. While your body is stressed, many different hormones are released to try and deal with the situation. These hormones result in increased heart rate, raised blood pressure, a changed immune system and lowered bone density and muscle mass. When these hormones are released in the body, issues with relation to heart and digestive health, obesity, depression, and even back pain are common. When the stress hormones are released, the muscles in your body tense creating “trigger points”. These points are very painful, however, can be treated in Fort Worth with chiropractic care.
By going after the causes of back pain, rather than the symptoms, the results are much more successful and the treatment becomes easier. One thing all of the conditions listed above have in common is spinal misalignment. Luckily, the expert staff at Texas Injury Clinic is equipped with the knowledge and tools to work towards bettering this issue.
Like with and pain or condition, a non-invasive and conservative yet effective approach is always the first option in treating back pain. If there are any other questions you have about your condition or about back pain as a whole, contact us at Texas Injury Clinic. And if you are ready to take the leap towards health, call today and schedule an appointment.

Texas Injury Clinic can provide nonsurgical back pain relief using the DRX-9000. This FDA-approved tool decompresses the spine, intervertebral discs, and facet joints by gently pulling, holding, and releasing the spine in cycles lasting about half an hour. The treatment is completely comfortable - in fact, many patients fall asleep during treatment.
A computer monitors the patient throughout treatment in order to make any adjustments necessary to provide safe and effective treatment. For added safety, both the doctor and the patient have access to emergency switches that can stop treatment at any time. We will conduct a thorough review of your health history, your symptoms, and other important factors to determine if this treatment is right for you.
Another option for treating back and neck pain is physical rehabilitation. Through a combination of strength training, stretching, and other therapeutic techniques, a therapy routine can reduce the frequency and severity of your back pain. By making your back stronger and more flexible, it can also make you more mobile and minimize the risk of future injury and pain.
Surgery is not a reversible process. Once performed, many surgeries cannot be reversed. In rare cases where metal is utilized, it can often be removed but not without another risky surgery. The recovery time for surgery can be months. Some never recover at all.
- 60% of spinal fusion patients will continue to suffer from back pain after surgery. A full recovery is uncommon and cannot be predicted.
- 30% of patients will be neither better nor worse after surgery because the pain does not emanate from the segment that has been fused.
- 10% are distinctly worse for having a failed spinal fusion surgery.
- In cases of prolapsed discs and sciatica, 65% of patients will continue to experience postoperative back pain.
Every day the doctors at Texas Injury Clinic consult with patients who have had or are about to have surgery. We know from talking to thousands of dissatisfied patients how surgery has affected their lives. Many more patients are scared of surgery and want an option that provides them with proven results.

High-intensity laser therapy (HILT), the next generation of cold laser therapy or low-level light therapy (LLLT), utilizes therapeutic laser light to help accelerate the healing process. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including back pain and injuries. This treatment is cleared by the FDA, totally safe, non-invasive, painless, and has no side effects. Most patients report seeing positive results in just one day.
Learn more about Laser Therapy HERE.
Published study available HERE.
Back pain may be due to compressed nerves resulting from surrounding tissues exerting too much pressure. In the back or neck, a pinched nerve is often due to a bulging disc, also known as a ruptured or herniated disc. In some cases, surgery may be recommended.
Modern diagnostics and surgical techniques make back surgery a relatively safe procedure. However, surgery always carries some degree of risk. Risks associated with back surgery include:
- Bleeding
- Clotting
- Infection
- Anesthesia complications
- Nerve damage resulting in incontinence, sexual dysfunction, pain, and other complications
Patients receiving an implant may also face a risk of hardware fracture, malfunction, or migration (movement of the implant to an improper position). Among fusion patients, nonunion (failure of the bones to heal as planned) can occur, creating the need for revision surgery.
Certain factors can increase your risk of surgical complications, such as age, smoking, and other medical conditions. We offer alternative treatments that can completely avoid many of the risks of back surgery.