Spinal Stenosis in Fort Worth

Chiropractic Fort Worth TX Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis in Fort Worth is a condition that causes an abnormal narrowing of the spinal canal, which compresses the spine. While some patients with this condition do not experience any symptoms, spinal stenosis can cause pain, numbness, or cramping in your back, legs, neck, or arms. Texas Injury Clinic in Fort Worth, TX, is well-equipped to treat spinal stenosis, including lateral canal stenosis, without the need for surgical intervention.

Causes of Spinal Stenosis in Fort Worth

While some people are born with a small spinal canal, most cases of spinal stenosis occur when an event narrows the spinal space. Most individuals with these conditions are older than 50 years old.

Other causes of spinal stenosis include:

  • Bone Overgrowth: Osteoarthritis takes a toll on spinal bones, causing the development of bone spurs in the spinal canal.
  • Spinal Trauma: Auto accidents and other stressors can result in dislocations of fractures of multiple vertebrae, with displaced bone possibly impairing the spinal canal.
  • Tumors: Abnormal growths can develop within the spinal cord.
  • Herniated Disks: The cushions that absorb the impact between vertebrae tend to worsen with age. Exterior disk cracks may permit some of the soft, inner material to break through and put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves.
  • Thickened Ligaments­: As time passes, the once-resilient cords that help bind spinal bones together can turn rigid and thickened, bulging into the spinal canal.

Common Symptoms

It is possible to have spinal stenosis but never realize it. In many cases, evidence of this disorder appears on an MRI or CT scan before any symptoms have surfaced. However, when symptoms do appear, they tend to exacerbate with time.

Symptoms will differ depending on the position of the stenosis and which nerves are afflicted.

In the neck, or cervical spine, symptoms usually present as:

  • Weakness or tingling in hands, arms, feet or legs
  • Issues with balance and walking
  • Neck pain
  • Bowel or bladder dysfunction

In the lower back, or lumbar spine, symptoms could include:

  • Weakness or tingling in feet or legs
  • Pain or cramping when standing for extended periods of time
  • Back pain

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, our doctors practice proven methods of treating spinal stenosis without surgical intervention.

Diagnosing Spinal Stenosis

At Texas Injury Clinic, our doctors focus on providing the best non-invasive treatments for spinal stenosis. First, they will fully evaluate your case. During your appointment, your doctor will ask about your medical history, conduct a physical examination, and inquire about the symptoms you have experienced. They may also request imaging diagnostics to better identify the root of your signs and symptoms.

Your Treatment Options

Although it is common for patients with spinal stenosis to become less active, this can be counterproductive, resulting in muscle weakness and more pain.

  • Physical Rehabilitation - can help your symptoms by increasing strength and stamina, preserving the flexibility and support of the spine, and correcting issues with balance.
  • Chiropractic Care - can also help patients overcome symptoms of spinal stenosis. This natural method of healthcare addresses issues of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems without invasive measures or medication. Our compassionate doctors work to gently realign your spine, allowing your body to heal itself.

Contact Us to Learn More

If you suffer from spinal stenosis, our caring, knowledgeable doctors can customize a treatment plan to help you break free of the pain and tension. Call us today at (817) 624-7222 or contact us online anytime.


8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 6:00pm

8:30am - 2:00pm


Texas Injury Clinic

2121 North Main Street
Fort Worth, TX 76164

(817) 624-7222